Our resolve to remain unbiased and objective is the foundation of our practice.


Working as an Extension
Our Team becomes part of the fold -

We are a reliable arm for your business


Our resolve to remain unbiased and objective is the foundation of our practice. We pride ourselves in being an advocate of the client, first and foremost, and as a facilitator to a selection process with an expectation that is set forth by the client. 

We construct the specific needs of the client, on the basis of information solely provided by the client (refined and vetted by CITech), and weave them into a comprehensive RFP/RFI portfolio that is validated by the client before it is published to the software vendor community.

A collaboration between CITech and the client determines the vendors who are invited to participate in the RFP/RFI.   

In all situations, it is the client who makes the decisions. The information that we provide, and the manner that it is provided, facilitates these decisions in a way that minimizes risk to all parties. 

Our experience has proven that there is no single software solution that is perfect for all clients; we do not presume or persuade otherwise.  The CITech RFP/RFI process and the preferences of the client ultimately decide the outcome.